Duttatraya Temple & Surya Vinayak Temple

Duttatraya Temple

This famous pagoda style three story temple of Bhaktapur stands in a spacious courtyard on three square receding plinths. It was constructed by Yaksha Malla in 1427 AD. and was renovated later by Vishwa Malla. The credit of giving the temple its present from goes to Vishwa Malla. Inspire of constant, damages caused by the scape of time and weather, its beauty charms the tourists and inspires reverence in the heart of pilgrims. It has some special features as compared to other temples of pagoda style. Its ground-floor sanctum is constructed in such a way that it can be circumambulated. In addition, the upper floors protrude outside the ground floor in such a way that the temple looks quite different from many others. Furthermore, gold gilded Chakra (disc), sankha (conch-shell) and the image of Garuda (the conveyance of Vishnu) are equally attractive and reverend.

The image of Duttatraya enshrines the sanctum of the temple. This three headed image is symbolic of the communion of Brahma, the creator and Vishnu, the protector.

Hundreds of tourists and devotees visit the places as it had great significant from the point of view of religion as well as art. The windows of the temple are world famous. Especially, exquisitely carved peacock window fitted on the eastern wall in highly appreciated by millions every year.

Surya Vinayak Temple

Two kilometers south of Bhaktapur Durbar Square the temple of Surya Vinayak stands on a small hillock overlooking the ancient city of Bhaktapur. The place, where the temple is situated is a fine example of tranquility because of the green forest that surrounds it.

The deity that enshrines the sanctum of the temple is Surya Vinayak, one of the several names of Ganesh (the elephant headed son of (Lord Shiva and Parvati). It is believed that Surya Vinayak is one of the four Vinakyaks installed in the four cardinal points of the valley to protect it from calamities.

This Article and upcoming posts are extracted from the book, TOURIST INFORMATION DIRECTORY, 1997. by my Late Father Journalist, Sociologist & Anthropologists, Er. Ramesh Chandra Bandhu Bhattarai.


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