Fail Fast!!

We are all confused! We might have our life planned and thought through what we want and we know what we want in next 5 years. Our career goals, our personal goals and ever bit of things we want to leave behind when we grow everyday might take a detour and take absolutely a new road to somewhere we never imagined.

It is not a bad thing to think about changing career. I’d say its better to fail fast than trying to make yourself perfect in something you do not find yourself fit in next 5 years. Once, during one of my interviews on a marketing job, he said, ” A job is like dating  and your career is your spouse”. At that time I thought how foolish of him, and thought why would he say such thing if he wants me to work for him. Now I realize he was saying the absolute thing that we do not realize. When you date someone,  you spend time with them, you put in your effort and realize you have spent your time and felt they are not “the one”, but your career is like a marriage, you are committed to it, and it is forever and it is something you enjoy, and know this is “the one”.

It is always better to fail fast than to give so much into something that was not worth your time because at the end of many years you spent on it,  your time, effort, energy and sacrifices you realize it was just a waste!


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Pratibha Written by:

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